This article originally appeared on AbleChild.org and was republished with permission.
Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) hasn’t yet been added to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric Association, (DSM-V), but the apparent mental disorder appears to have taken hold of the Democrat party to such an extent that psychiatric specialists have been brought in to help those lawmakers deal with the newly elected Republican President.
Donald Trump, the 45th and 47th President of the United States, is a force all his own and, apparently, the Democrats in Congress are having a tough time coping with the hurricane of Executive Orders and Directives coming fast and furiously out of the White House and have enlisted the help of shrinks to deal with what can only be described as Post Traumatic Election Disorder (PTED).
Maryland Democrat and minority leader of the House Judiciary Committee and past impeachment manager against Trump’s second impeachment lalapalooza, Representative Jamie Raskin, explained that the mental health specialists were brought in to talk “about basically communication styles during the Trump era.”
Yes, “emotion regulation” specialists from the University of Virginia were rushed to the Capitol with Raskin explaining that shrinks are “social psychologists.”
So, it would appear that Trump’s presence in Washington and control over legislative agendas is a bit of a brain drain for the Democrats in need of intervention.
One must wonder how many elected members of the Democrat party have been diagnosed with other relatable (but still fraudulent) mental disorders like depression, bipolar, anxiety and opposition defiant disorder and provided “treatment” in the form of psychiatric mind-altering drugs?
Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) has not been lost on the Republican Party. According to House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer, “it’s no surprise that Jamie Raskin summoned professional psychologists to provide therapy for Democrats afflicted with the incurable disease.” According to Comer, “no amount of therapy will help Jamie Raskin and other Democrats suffering from TDS.”
That may be true, but the whole issue of bringing in mental health experts into the legislative body to deal with Member’s emotional Trump issues raises a host of other questions.
For example, how often does Congress rely on the mental health community to assist in emotional issues – individually or groups? For that matter, how many Members of Congress are already diagnosed with a mental disorder and are being “treated” with mind-altering drugs?
The public was made aware of Pennsylvania Senator John Fetterman’s major depressive disorder and his lengthy stay at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Washington, D.C., in 2022.
Fetterman reportedly said his physician told him that his “depression was in remission.” In remission? First, it’s great that the Pennsylvania Senator got the care he needed to survive, but to say that “depression is in remission” wrongly insinuates that there is an abnormality (objective, confirmable abnormality) in his brain that caused the depression and because of the “treatment” the depression has been reduced or eliminated.
The Senator from Pennsylvania may have come out of his deep depression, but there was no reduction or elimination of any abnormality that can be objectively treated in his brain.
Fetterman has never publicly revealed exactly what “treatment” he received at the lengthy stay at Walter Reed or whether he is on a mind-altering drug cocktail regime.
However, Minnesota Senator, Tina Smith, was happy to let the public know that she has been “treated” for depression and had taken mind-altering antidepressants known to have side effects that include suicidality, homicidality, and abnormal behavior including violence.
Certainly, there are many Members of Congress who take lots of drugs for a variety of reasons and according to a 2017 article in the Nation, drugs are delivered “by the carload to the Capitol nearly every day.”
These drugs are taken to the Office of the Attending Physician from the famous Gruub’s Capitol Hill pharmacy.
According to the Nation article, Grubb’s owner and pharmacist, Mike Kim, finds it interesting that “at first it’s cool, and then you realize, I’m filling some drugs that are for some pretty serious health problems and these people are running the country.”
He explains, “they’re making the highest laws of the land, and they might not even remember what happened yesterday.”
It doesn’t take a brain scientist to figure out which Members of Congress today might fit Kim’s assessment. Remember Kentucky Senator Mitch McConnell’s numerous brain freezes on live television?
The then Senate Leader was frozen, not capable of responding to questions without staff intervention. What’s going on there? Doesn’t the public, that must live by the laws passed in Congress, have the right to know when elected Members of Congress are suffering from serious neurological and mental disorders?
And anyone familiar with adverse events associated with psychiatric drugs cannot help but wonder whether former Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, is suffering from Tardive Dyskinesia, a movement disorder that can develop as a side effect of taking antidepressant and antipsychotic psychiatric “treatments.”
Clearly the California Congresswoman makes unusual mouth movements that look to be uncontrollable. It’s anyone guess, but the former Speaker could provide some level of comfort to her constituents and the public at large by revealing what, if any, prescription psychiatric drug history she might have.
In fact, maybe with the mental health crisis facing the nation, it’s time to have all elected officials reveal whether they suffer from any known mental disorders, if they are being “treated,” and what that “treatment” is.
Maybe, just maybe, this alleged Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) is just another mental disorder suffered by Members already suffering from mental illness or, maybe, TDS is an adverse event associated with the prescribed psychiatric drugs Members may be taking. We’ll only know for sure if Congress makes this drug information public. Finally, it sounds like some good legislation!
The post AbleChild: Psychiatric Oversight of Lawmakers, Who Really Controls the Powerful? appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.